The highly experienced cataract surgeons at The Eye Institute of Utah are proud to offer a variety of advanced options for fully customized cataract surgery. When these advanced technology options are combined with a premium IOL or lifestyle lens, patients can achieve refractive outcomes with significantly improved vision.

LenSx® Femtosecond Laser

In traditional cataract surgery, the surgeon uses a blade to manually create incisions. Laser cataract surgery options have been developed to provide patients with an optimized refractive cataract surgery experience. The cataract surgeons at The Eye Institute of Utah offer laser cataract surgery with the highly advanced LenSx® femtosecond laser. This custom cataract laser is designed to provide superior precision for better surgical outcomes, which is Trusetd Source Checkbox Trusted Source Nagy ZZ. New technology update: femtosecond laser in cataract surgery. Clin Ophthalmol. Go to Source backed by studies that show the femtosecond delivers results with higher accuracy and consistency.1 Study results also indicate that patients may have a Trusetd Source Checkbox Trusted Source Guttman Krader C. Study: Effective lens position advances accuracy Femtosecond laser brings greater refractive predictability into hands of cataract surgeons. Ophthalmology Times. Go to Source 59% higher chance at seeing 20/20 or better with the LenSx® procedure vs. manual blade incisions.2

The advantages of the LenSx® laser start before you even step into the operating room. Prior to cataract surgery, we perform tests and take many measurements of your eyes in order to properly plan your surgery. The LenSx® system allows us to improve the accuracy of these measurements by integrating technology such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) in order to capture high-resolution images of your eyes. This additional data helps us give you the most accurate and customized treatment plan possible.

ORA™ with VerifEye™

All human eyes have the same basic anatomical structure, but each person’s eye is unique in terms of size, depth, curvature of the cornea and other important features. We tailor your cataract treatment to account for these differences, as well as factors such as previous refractive surgery like LASIK. Pre-surgical diagnostic tests and measurements are very important in helping you achieve the best vision possible.

When it comes to selecting the right IOL for you, there are several tests and measurements our team will use. The most advanced of these is the ORA™ System with VerifEye+ Technology. During cataract surgery, the ORA (Optiwave Refractive Analysis) intraoperative aberrometry system provides your surgeon with real-time analysis of your eye. If you have had prior refractive surgery, if you would like to treat astigmatism, or if you have chosen a multifocal IOL, this technology can improve precision and accuracy in order to reduce or eliminate your need for glasses. Patients who elect to have procedures performed with ORA with VerifEye™ receive a limited-time warranty.

Plan Your Customized Cataract Surgery

If you are seeking treatment for cataracts, you can trust The Eye Institute of Utah for personalized care and advanced technology. We offer a variety of custom cataract surgery packages to meet your unique needs and goals. Contact us with any questions or to schedule your consultation appointment.

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1Nagy ZZ. New technology update: femtosecond laser in cataract surgery. Clin Ophthalmol. 2014;8:1157-1167. Published 2014 Jun 18. doi:10.2147/OPTH.S36040

2 Guttman Krader C. Study: Effective lens position advances accuracy Femtosecond laser brings greater refractive predictability into hands of cataract surgeons. Ophthalmology Times. Available:

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